a pondering of sorts…

Sites likes wordpress and blogspot provide, dare I say, amateur bloggers like me, the great opportunity to jump in to the blog world, no strings attached. You get to pick from a host of prefabricated blog templates, you get to select a name for your blog and have the ability to “customize” your blog through the use of widgets. You are limited in some aspects of course, like in the amount of amount of space, or MB’s you’re allotted, that said however; who ever really reaches that space limit. It’s likeĀ  that Gmail or Hotmail account, which you have had since 7th grade yet you still have 89% of your storage remaining. Or is that just me?

All in all, sites like wordpress and blogspot are awesome. In my opinion anyways.

Now despite the fact that I don’t blog as much as I thought I would, or even as much as I would like to… I have often thought about the idea of purchasing my own domain address and thus, not having .wordpress.com linked to my blog. It’s pricey, yes. And it requires a heck of a lot more maintenance.. with hosting and all.. But I’ve thought, would it bring me more freedom, perhaps more traffic, or is there really no point at the moment.

Truthfully, the price is a bit of deterrent for me. But I can’t seem to rap my head around the decision making process that goes into deciding when in the blog word, to branch off on your own. Do you just make the jump? Or is there a critical plan to follow?

And, in that, I’ve recently been thinking about moving my blog in a different direction. Yes, I am still passionately paleo and plan to stay that way; and yes, I still love to cook and create new recipes for you guys! But, I’m also developing a passion in revamping and reclaiming old thrift store furniture. In taking on more and more DIY projects as E and I figure out what the heck we’re doing, and what we love one step at a time. And usually through trial and error… haha. So, in that will the title of my blog always remain LINDS EATS? Probably not. What sort of impact will a name change have on the blog, on my readers, on my blog traffic?

Wow! Question laden post. Just getting my thoughts out there. Any advice or help from my lovely followers would be awesome!

Talk soon!

bread for the paleo

Aloha. The folks on the radio won’t stop talking about white outs, incoming snow and how I’m supposed to say a permanent fair well to nice weather. I don’t want to and so, Aloha –> aka: Hawaii seemed like the perfect greeting for today. I wish I were going there.

Anyways, to brighten this otherwise dreary day, I decided that French Toast would be the perfect dinner. Yes, this is a paleo blog and I just typed the words F-R-E-N-C-H T-O-A-S-T. I had nearly forgotten the dish even existed. But low and behold, you can be paleo and eat your french toast too!

Believe it or not, you can! And it was amazing. Like, I can’t believe its not wheat laden bread, type of amazing. And perfectly paleo.

Damn. I’m good. Nah, I’m not. But the bread sure is.


  • 14 oz sunflower seed butter (I’m sure you could use another type of nut butter)
  • 6 eggs
  • 2 t. baking powder
  • 1/2 t. sea salt
  • 3/4 C warm water


  1. Preheat oven to 325F.
  2. Mix all ingredients in a large mixing bowl until well combined.
  3. Pour into a 9 x 5 bread pan.
  4. Bake for approximately 1 hour, or until firm to the touch.

Yep, that’s it that’s all. I grind all my own nut/seed butters in my Vitamix because it’s more cost efficient… and I love to be frugal. The recipe yields a nice sized loaf, and it freezes great. I usually slice my bread once it has cooled and store it in a ziploc bag in the freezer to be toasted later!

Hope you enjoy!